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Turcotte Michel

Turcotte Michel

Michel Turcotte is a guidance counsellor and psychologist. After a thirty-year career with the Canadian Department of Employment and Social Development, as a counsellor, counsellor trainer, research and policy development manager, Michel has been working since 2013 on a doctoral thesis on distance career counselling at Laval University.

He is a member of the Centre de recherche et d’intervention sur l’éducation et la vie au travail (CRIEVAT) and the Laboratoire de recherche sur l’analyse des dispositifs d’accompagnement et de la compétence à s’orienter (ADACO). He received the Etta St. John Wileman Award in 2017 from Ceric, the Stu Conger Gold Medal in 2014, and the Mérite du Conseil Interprofessionnel du Québec in 2012 for his career-long leadership in the field of career development.